Val's 42 years in fandom include chairing the 2011 World Fantasy Convention and the 2010 Conjecture in San Diego and the 1986 and 1989 Lunacons in New York. She has held committee positions at local and regional cons, Westercons, and Worldcons and is currently Guest Liaison for ConDor and Gaslight Gathering and a Senior Assistant in the Autograph Area at Comic-Con, all in San Diego.  She served on the Board of the New York Science Fiction Society/The Lunarians for several years in the 1980s and, with Ron, was 2002 Lunacon Fan GOH. In her other life, her 40 years as a librarian included twelve at Intermediate School 88 and eight at the Bronx High School of Science, both in New York City.  She retired as a librarian at San Diego Mesa [Community] College in 2010 after 19 years there, so she now has time to indulge her loves of reading, travel, singing, and chocolate.


Ron has been a fan since 1977. He has held committee positions at local and regional cons, Westercons, and Worldcons and is currently Hotel Liaison for Gaslight Gathering and a Senior Assistant in the Autograph Area at Comic-Con, both in San Diego. He was President of the New York Science Fiction Society/The Lunarians for several years in the 1980s and, with Val, was 2002 Lunacon Fan GOH. He is a geek, having been a programmer/analyst at Seton Hall University for nine years (after several similar positions at other locations), a position he left to become a partner in his family's travel agency for 11 years. He enjoys singing and travel and is an avid do-it-yourselfer. Recently he has tried his hand as a Maker.


We have been together since 1980 and married since 1988.  As a couple, we have been running tours in connection with Worldcons since 1987, when Ron was the official travel agent for the Conspiracy (as he was again in 1988 for Nolacon). Our past tours have included Britain (twice), Ireland, Japan, Scandinavia, and Australia (twice). That we have had many returnees would seem to indicate that we are doing something right.


Ron & Val Photo